Thursday, 5 June 2014

Everland takes you back in time to relive 1965...

Sir Robert Menzies

The world population is 3,334,874,000 (compared to the current population of 7,237,599,000).

The Australian Prime Minister is Sir Robert Menzies. This is his last year before retiring.

The average price of a house is $21,724 (equivalent to $150,611 today).

The Sound of Music premiers at the Rivoli Theatre, New York.

Sound of Music, Rivoli Thearte
Mary Poppins takes home 5 Oscars at the 37th Academy awards.

Dr Dre, J.K Rowling are born.

T.S Elliot, Winston Churchill die.

Hindi becomes the official language of India.

The 'mini skirt' (
Bob Dylan releases influential album Highway 61 Revisited. 

The Mary Quant designs the Mini Skirt which will be the fashion statement of the 60's.

American combat troops arrive in Vietnam

Corporal Punishment in schools is acceptable, children as young as 6 years old are allowed to be caned/spanked.  

Ford Mustang, Corvettes, VW bugs and Vans, Chevy Belaire and Buick are popular car models

This ad highlights the 'low' cost of making an overseas call in 1965. The so called 'low' cost of $12 would set you back the equivalent to $85 now...ouch!

PDP-8 (
Computers are not what we know today. In 1965, Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer (it sold for $18,000!).

All children under the age of 13 receive free milk as part of the 'Free Milk Scheme', in Australia. This may sound exciting to some, but the milk was never refrigerated and on a hot Queensland day the taste would be sickening.

Girls and boys are separated on lunch breaks at school. 

Jell-o Salad
Cool whip is introduced, soon to become the top selling whipped topping on the market. 

The first Subway sandwich shop opens in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Dinner parties are likely to be serving tuna casserole, Jell-o salad, devilled eggs, cheese fondue and stuffed celery. Don't forget the punch!

"Sorry about that, Chief" is a popular quote, taken from the film Get Smart

Bewitched and Batman are popular TV shows.

Vogue UK is as glamorous as ever. Australia, on the other hand still has some work to do...
Vogue UK July, 1965 (
Vogue, Australia January, 1965 (

The cover of TIME magazine is still illustrated. 
Martin Luther King, March 1965 (
Vietnam War, October (

Stay tuned for our next flashback, if you have a preference for a year comment below!

Written by Louise Millroy
Cover art by Gabi Cherry


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